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Gas prices actuals and forecasts for all European gas hubs. Broad coverage of European gas fundamentals. Price Forward Curves (PFC) and API service. Gas market insights for gas purchasing and load profile analysis.
Get updated every trading day on the latest news of the European Gas market hubs. Insights on gas prices, gas supply and gas demand. Complete content for your professional decisions
ganexo Gas Market Report and ganexo data service provide professional gas market insights and a complete solution for gas purchasing.
Up-to-date news and background information on gas price developments. Independent gas market analysis provides reliable information for gas purchasing.
Many energy suppliers and municipal utilities rely on ganexo Price Forward Curves and ganexo data service. Accurate price data, forecasts and gas fundamentals for your portfolio evaluation.
Accurate and reliable price data is essential for your operational business. We provide reliable price curves (Daily Price Forward Curves – PFC) on a trading daily base or as intraday. API service or Excel-datafeed.
Services at a glance
With your subscription to the market report from ganexo, you receive a complete solution for your energy procurement as an enterprise license at a fair price. We are municipal utility service provider and service provider for energy suppliers, you will receive a professional report on gas price development. You receive market information on current gas prices, what does gas cost in Germany and Europe as well as exact information on gas prices on the exchanges and for wholesale. Our market commentary with information on the gas price development, background information on the current situation of the gas supply and forecasts for further price development give you a competent on the current situation of the gas supply. With the ganexo market report you get a complete solution: gas prices and price curves for energy procurement, forecasts for procurement controlling, graphics and analyses for sales, market overview, market information and background for management, data service via API or Excel, daily price forward curves (PFC) and market data for analysts and developers.
In strategic gas purchasing and portfolio management of the gas portfolio, the question of when to purchase natural gas, the timing of gas purchases, hedging of positions in the gas portfolio is of important significance. In each case, buyers are faced with the question of when to close their position or to put positions short or long. Information, forecasts and estimations about the gas price this year and how high the gas price will be next year or how high the gas price will be in winter (or if the gas prices will increase in winter) are essential for professional procurement controlling of the gas portfolio. The ganexo gas price forecast provides statistical key figures for the probability of occurrence of periodically occurring volatilities and thus supports the risk controlling of gas procurement. With the spot risk profile you calculate your value-at-risk in gas procurement. Our gas storage forecast helps you to correctly assess the situation on the gas market.
Gas prices as a data service for your energy procurement and load profile analysis via Excel or API. ganexo delivers resilient price curves and market data for the gas market in standardized data formats on trading days and intraday. You either receive the ganexo Excel datafeed in your email inbox on trading days or obtain the data conveniently and securely via the ganexo API. The accurate and reliable supply of price data is essential for your operational business. Many municipal utilities and energy providers already rely on our stable and secure API or the dispatch of the ganexo Excel datafeed. We provide exchange day PFCs for the gas market, professional data for all utilities and municipal utilities. All price data is available in the ganexo API. We offer a customized data service with design of the gas market data service according to your requirements. Our data service has an extensive data history, everything is available in our API.
A PFC (price curve, forward price curve or price forward curve) is used to determine the correct purchase price or gas price in connection with load forecasts of the load profile customers or also for the evaluation of standard load profiles (SLP). In concrete terms, the volume-weighted average price is determined for a tendered delivery period or forecast consumption, for example. With the ganexo Price Forward Curve (PFC) you can calculate your gas price arbitrage-free. This provides you with a professional tool to correctly evaluate customer load profiles, i.e. load profile analysis, and to reduce your gas expenses with minimal risk. You receive our PFC either via API or as Excel datafeed.
All European market data available via API: Gas supply (pipelines, LNG, gas production), gas storage, gas demand. Rely on our API instead of requesting transparency data individually from each network operator. LNG prices, arrivals LNG tankers. Expected arrivals of LNG tankers in Germany and Expected arrivals of LNG tankers in Europe and Asia. We evaluate professional data sources for LNG tracking and vessel tracking to provide statistics on LNG imports in Germany, Europe and Asia. LNG send-outs and analysis of LNG transparency data from Entso-G. Pipeline gas flows and capacities. Analysis of Entso-G pipeline transparency data, maintenance calendar and analysis of pipeline data. All market data in five-year comparison to provide you with valuable correlation for your assessment of the gas market situation. Weather forecasts and weather readings, wind and solar power production: readings and forecasts. Gas storage: withdrawals and injections, storage forecasts, Entso-G transparency data analysis.
ganexo provides gas market analyses, gas market reports and a data service for gas purchasing. Focussed gas market insights for energy professionals. Rooted in Berlin and focused on the European market.
About ganexo